mercredi 13 juin 2012

American heroism

1. Complete:
A plane ditched safely into the Hudson ___________________ and ______________ lives were saved and a _____________ was born.

2. Tick the correct answer:
The plane was hit by a flock of geese   □ struck by a thunderbolt

3. Complete:
With brains and ________________, Sully brought his plane down ____________.

4. Right or Wrong? Circle the correct answer and justify with an element from the document:

a. Captain "Sully" was not prepared for what happened.
R/W: _________________________________________

b. Only a few passengers were killed.
R/W: _________________________________________

c. After what happened, a passenger felt optimistic about the human race.
R/W: _________________________________________

d. A passenger says Captain "Sully" is a national hero.
R/W: _________________________________________

e. The passengers were grateful (= reconnaissants) to the captain.
R/W: _________________________________________

5. Tick the 2 correct answers:
The event was □ a catastrophe   an amazing experience   a miracle   □ a tragedy

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