vendredi 31 août 2012


If you would like to submit your summary for any of the documents on this site to check your comprehension, please send your productions to Detailed summaries and references are also available upon request if you would like to dig deeper into the themes.

lundi 13 août 2012

Australia and the traumas of the past

I. General comprehension :

1. Type of document: □ interview   □ speech   □ report   □ debate

2. Tick the correct answer and justify with an element from the document :

a) The main speaker is : 
□ a regular citizen 
□ a secretary (= ministre) in the government 
□ the leader of the government
Justification :

He addresses : 
□ some Australian citizens 
□ every Australian citizen
Justification :

3. This document deals with a certain historical phenomenon. Name that phenomenon and say when it ended.

4. Concentrate on numbers and dates :
  • 10 to 30 corresponds to the percentages of ___________ who were forcibly ________ from their __________ and ___________ between 19__ and 19__
  • 50,000 corresponds to the number of ___________ who were forcibly ________ from their __________
  • 1932 is the year when _____________ was _______ years old.

II. Detailed comprehension :

1. At the beginning, pick out expressions to explain the speaker's intentions, and rephrase.

2. A woman is mentioned. Pick out information about her :

Community ?

Approximate age ?

Name ?

Details about her childhood environment ?

Details about her feelings when she was a child ?

1932 : problem ? feelings ? consequences ?

3. Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with keywords :

a) The historical phenomenon described in this document constitutes a crime against humanity.
R/W : ______________________________________________

b) The victims of this phenomenon aren't equal to the rest of the population.
R/W : ______________________________________________

c) This phenomenon was legal
R/W : ______________________________________________

d) The speaker wants to unite the population.
R/W : ______________________________________________

e) He doesn't consider himself or the Australian government responsible.
R/W : ______________________________________________

f) He fosters (= encourage) equality and appreciation between communities.
R/W : ______________________________________________

dimanche 12 août 2012


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dimanche 5 août 2012

The destiny of Aboriginal children

I. First part :

1) Identify and complete an expression which is repeated 3 times :
This document deals with "the _________________ of Aboriginal _____________ from their _________________".

2) Say when this phenomenon began and when it ended.

3) This phenomenon is called : the ________ _____________.

4) Pick out two expressions to prove that this phenomenon had consequences on the Aboriginal families.

II. Second part :

1) Consequences on the Aboriginal people :

Consequences on the children
Consequences on the family of the child

2) Pick out expressions to describe the children's feelings.

3) As adults, these individuals had problems. Pick out expressions to describe these problems.

Through the eyes of an Aboriginal child

READ BEFORE LISTENING : the narrator is an Aboriginal child.

Fella = man.

I. First part :

1) What is the relationship between the child (narrator) and King George?

2) King George teaches the narrator a lot of things. Make a list :

3) The child and King George are very intimate with nature. Pick out elements to prove it :

4) The child's origins : he is not _______ fella, he is not _______ fella either. He has _______ blood, he is _______-________, "_________".

5) The "white" fellas :

Their occupation ?

King George's opinion on them ?

II. Second part :

1) "Coppers" are : □ farmers    □ policemen   □ military men

The child fears the “coppers” might ______ him ______, _____ him on a _________ island and ________ him into a _______ fella.

2) Right or Wrong? Justify with elements from the document :

a) The woman that the child sees was born in Australia.
R/W: _______________________________________

b) Australia is the only name for this territory.
R/W: _______________________________________

c) The name “Australia” was invented by the Aborigines.
R/W: _______________________________________

III. Recapitulate :

1) What have you learnt about the Aboriginal culture in Australia?

2) The narrator uses the terms “black” and “white”: who were the “blacks”, who were the “whites”? What type of relationship did they have?

3) What did the whites do to Aboriginal children in the past?

The Puritans

I. Definitions :

1) Today, a "Puritan" is
  • someone who is very _________, very ______________ and ___________ ___________.
  • someone who has extremely __________ ________ ________.

2) Puritans first appeared in the _____ and _____ centuries. They were _________ ____________.

II. Characteristics :

1) In England :

Opinion on religion and culture ?

Actions / impact of their actions ?

Decision ?

2) In North America :

Attitude ?

Obligations ?

Interdictions ?

Impact of the Puritans today ?

lundi 16 juillet 2012

An Introduction to Frankenstein

I. General comprehnsion :

Name of the author?

Date ?

Other name of the novel ?

Subject ? What is the story about (symbolically and concretely) ?

II. Detailed comprehension :

1. Right or Wrong ? Justify by quoting elements from the document :

a) Frankenstein is the name of the monster.
R/W : ______________________________

b) When the novel was published, scientists were creating new techniques.
R/W : ______________________________

c) The novel was scary.
R/W : ______________________________

2. Complete :
The novel "was ________________ to the way __________ related to _______ and to ________________ and to what was _________ and what was not _________. People were ____________ that we were tinkering with ___________ in a way that was more _______ than _________."

3. Find information about the novel:

Myth which was an inspiration for the novel ?

Subject of that myth ?

Difference between the myth and the novel ?

Technique used to create the monster ?

4. Complete Rebekah's interpretation of the novel:
"In Frankenstein, I think ________ _________ was making a ________ ____________ on _______________ getting _______ of us, that as we _________ these new ___________, we __________ be ___________ God, we __________ be _________ of __________ as _________."

5. Conclusion:
When the novel was published, people feared ________ might ________ an old _______ of ______.

mercredi 11 juillet 2012

This is Ellis Island

PART ONE : complete with elements from the document and tick the correct answer.

1) Name one large city close to (= à côté de) Ellis Island : ______________
2) Ellis Island is small   big in size.
3) It plays a small   big role in history.
4) People wanted to go to America in order to (= dans le but de) ________________.
5) Ellis Island was the largest immigration □ bastion   □ station   □ action.
6) Number of people who arrived here between 1892 and 1924 : ________________
7) Number of people who can trace one of their ancestors to Ellis Island : ___________

PART TWO : Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with keywords.
8) The passengers were rich, first-class passengers.
R/W : ___________________________________________

9) The voyage lasted (= durait) several days.
R/W : ___________________________________________

10) The passengers were dreamers.
R/W : ___________________________________________

11) Most (= la plupart des) immigrants were forbidden to work.
R/W : ___________________________________________

12) Ellis Island is a complicated island.
R/W : ___________________________________________

14) The hospital is located on island number 1.
R/W : ___________________________________________

15) The immigrants had to go to the hospital because they were homeless (= sans abri).
R/W : ___________________________________________

15) 3,500 corresponds to the number of people who ___________________
16) 355 corresponds to the number of people who _____________________

PART THREE : Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with keywords.
17) Ellis Island closed in 1945.
R/W : ___________________________________________

18) Ellis Island reopened 22 years ago.
R/W : ___________________________________________

19) Ellis Island has become an art gallery.
R/W : ___________________________________________

20) There are 12 million visitors each year.
R/W : ___________________________________________

Immigrants hope their American Dream is not fading

I. Introduction : complete the journalist's words.
"___________ of ____________ have _________ to this __________ in __________ of their ____ American _________. It's ________ ___________ but _______ ________. It's even _________ when the entire __________ is __________ through _______ time, so here are _________ of ___________ in their _____ words."

II. Martin: complete this grid with information about him (not always in the right order)

Country of origin ?

Reason for emigrating ?

Differences USA / country of origin ?

Studies ?

Feelings at first ?

Problem now ?

III. Nick : complete this grid with information about him (not always in the right order)

Country and city of origin ?

How long in the USA ?

Job ?

Studies : where ? what?

Problem in country of origin ? Reasons for emigrating?

Feelings at first? Why ?

Family ?

Occupation for 4 years ?

Problem ?

Reaction and feelings ?

Present business ?

His definition of the American Dream ?

Why Farah came to the USA

I. General comprehension :

1. Farah's family originally comes from _______________

2. Farah has □ 1 brother and no sister   □ 1 sister and no brother   □ 1 brother and one sister

3. Match each date / period of time with the correct event to retrace Farah's story

1940's - 1950's
  • Visit to her country of origin
1950's - 1960's
  • Birth and childhood in her country of origin
  • Residence in the USA
  • Duration of her stay in her country of origin
  • Revolution and exile
4 years
  • Pre-adult years in the USA
1982 - present
  • Return to her country of origin

II. Detailed comprehension :

1. Name one state of the USA : ________________ ; it corresponds to where the family _________

2. Complete :
"I'd sort of felt an __________ and ________ for a ________ of ____________. My _______, on the other _________, felt _____________ at _________ when he ________ here. He has always __________ great _______ in _______ an __________-_________."

3. Right or Wrong? Circle the correct answer and justify with an element from the document.

a) It was rewarding (= enrichissant) for Farah to visit her country of origin.
R/W : _______________________________________

b) Farah left her country of origin for economic reasons.
R/W : _______________________________________

c) Farah preters the American political system to the one in her country of origin.
R/W : _______________________________________

d) She has become more and more comfortable living in the USA.
R/W : _______________________________________

e) Her mother was ashamed of living in the USA.
R/W : _______________________________________

4. Complete:
"She __________ this ________ in us as well, but I always _________ somewhat ________ from my ________. I ________ for a _______ that _________ more like _________. I ___________ that _________ and ___________ to _______ on the _____ of the __________.

5. Farah's conclusion: There is a _______ of her that will always ________ in _________, whether in the _______ or in ________.

mardi 10 juillet 2012

Why Fang Yi came to America

I. General comprehension : pick out information about Fang Yi

Country of origin

Reason for emigrating

Occupation / job

Place of residence


II. Detailed comprehension :

1. Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with an element from the document.

a) Fang Yi is daring (= audacieuse).
R/W : _______________________________________

b) She is successful professionally.
R/W : _______________________________________

c) She came to the USA for different reasons.
R/W : _______________________________________

d) She is easily adapting to life in the USA.
R/W : _______________________________________

2. Complete :
"Happy and ______, I _________ with __________ every____. _______ and _______ will ______ be in one __________, no _________ where I ________ to _________. I _____ never _______ ____________."

3. Tick the correct answer and justify with an element from the document:

a) For Fang Yi, emigrating was □ a choice   □ an obligation
Justification: ________________________________

b) The journalist asks if dancing professionally in Taiwan is □ a reality    □ a possibility
Justification: ________________________________

c) The journalists asks if Fang Yi □ ignores   □ expresses her emotions throughout dance.
Justification: ________________________________

4. What does Yang wish for? She wishes for ______ and ______ to ______ in one _________.

5. She encourages people to _________ their _______ and their __________. They shouldn't _____ up too ________.

samedi 30 juin 2012

A brief history of the United States

A. The foundation of the American Dream in History (video).

 Match the dates / periods of time with the correct historical events :
17th - 18th centuries
  • American War of Independence
1775 - 1783
  • Move from downtown to the suburbs for a lot of people
July 4th 1776
  • End of Segregation
Up until (= jusqu'en)1865
  • Europeans and a lot of English people moved to the New World, sometimes in order to escape religious persecution.
1861 - 1865
  • Declaration of Independence by the Founding Fathers
  • American Civil War and end of slavery
  • Beginning of the Civil Rights Movement triggered by Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King.
1950's - present
  • Slavery

B. Complete each part of the USA's history with expressions from the list. 

1) freedom ; England ; Europe ;  escaping ; searching ; founded ; been ; North America ; decided ; independent ; to emigrate ; adventure

The United States of America was _________________ in 1776. The settlers (= les colons),
who had ____________ from ___________ (the Old World) to ________________ (the New World), were _____________ persecution and were __________ for ____________ and ____________. They had ______ there since the 17th century when they __________ to become _____________ from ___________.

2) exploited; emancipated ; had ; forced; won ; waged war (= faire la guerre) ; stop ; North ; South

For (= pendant) 200 years, Americans _________ slaves, mostly in the __________ of the country. They ____________ Black people who were ____________ to come to the USA. Between 1861 and 1865, the _________ (the Union) ______________ to the South (the Confederacy) in order to _________ slavery. The North ________ and the slaves were ______________ .

3) stood ; became ; rights ; sat ; community ; fought

Unfortunately, African-Americans only ___________ free in 1964, after Rosa Parks had __________ up against racism (when she _______ in the front of the bus) and Martin Luther King had ___________ for the Civil _____________ of his __________________.

4) suburbs ; country ; world ; conditions; young ; fleeing ; living

The USA may be _________, but it is the richest ___________ in the _________. Since the 1950's, the American population has been _______________ to the suburbs, where they have been ________________ in comfortable _______________.

Is the American Dream alive today?

A. General comprehension.

1. Before listening, match each expression with the correct definition.
be tanking
  • to change, to rearrange
  • very surprising
  • rich
  • be a complete failure
  • difficult to achieve
to shift
  • obtainable
2. Listen to the document and tick the correct answers.

a) This document is : a speech   an interview   a documentary   a report
b) It deals with the :  death   evolution   success of the American dream.
c) Number of speakers and their role / job : __________________________

B. Part One : Tick the words you hear.
  1. The economy may be  sinking   tanking.
  2. For me, the American dream is to have a great fantasy   family.
  3. I want to become a lawyer   an employer
  4. It's being able to have the opportunism   opportunity
Pick out 3-4 important words near the end: ___________________________

C. Part Two : Right or wrong? Circle the correct answer and justify.
  1. The majority of the citizens say they have achieved (= réussi) their dream.
R/W: __________________________________________________________

  1. Rich people in Manhattan are having a hard time achieving their dream.
R/W: __________________________________________________________

  1. One of the men says that when he was young, the American dream was based on luck only (= seulement).
R/W: __________________________________________________________

  1. Even in difficult times, people keep the same definition of the American dream.
R/W: __________________________________________________________

  1. Nowadays, values are more crucial than material achievement (= réussite).
R/W: __________________________________________________________

jeudi 28 juin 2012

Defining the American Dream

I. Listen to the American national anthem, and memorize the lyrics.

II. Listen to Rosa Parks's definition of the American dream, and complete. 

!!! Her accent is Southern and difficult.

I think the American Dream ____________ be to ________ a good _______, and to live ________, and to be a good ____________. I think that should ________ to all of ____. That it is the _______ of the _______ and the _______ of the _______, and I __________ it _________ be just that for all _________. Who can ________ of __________ as _________ beings and that they will _________ the ____________ of the ___________ of this _____________.

mercredi 27 juin 2012

Gun violence in the USA nowadays

I. General comprehension :

1. Where was the report recorded ?

2. What happened recently, and where ?

3. Concentrate on figures and statistics :
6 corresponds to the number of __________________
More than a dozen corresponds to the number of __________________
3 corresponds to the number of states in which guns do not ______________ any kind of __________
More than 10 is the number of __________ that you can shoot with an assault weapon.
80 million corresponds to the number of American _______ ___________.
5 corresponds to the number of __________ _________ held against Jared Loughner.

II. The situation.

1. Who is Gabriel Giffords ? Where was she at the time of the report ?

2. Right or Wrong ? Justify with elements from the document :

a) It is legal to have weapons in the USA.
R/W : _____________________________

b) The legislation on fire arms in the USA is very strict.
R/W : _____________________________

c) In Arizona, you may not carry a gun in public places.
R/W : _____________________________

d) Buying a gun in Arizona is extremely easy.
R/W : _____________________________

e) Arizona isn't a state where there is a lot of violence.
R/W : _____________________________

f) Before, you couldn't legally have certain types of assault weapons.
R/W : _____________________________

3. What type of gun did Jared buy ? Where and when did he buy it ?

III. Reactions.

1. Tom compares the USA with 3 countries. Name these countries :
He says that the USA is the __________ when it comes to owning guns and buying guns.

2. People who defend the right to have guns are called gun ___________. They _________ against any type of _______ which __________ upon the ________ to bear _________.

3. Mohammad thinks we _________ not __________ American gun owners who _____ absolutely ________ to _____ with this _________, many of whom are _______ to _________ crime from occurring. They carry fire arms for ______-_____________.

4. Right or Wrong ? Justify with elements from the document :

a) Paul thinks the USA is the safest country in the world.
R/W : _____________________________

b) Jared is accused of murder.
R/W : _____________________________

c) We know the reasons for his actions.
R/W : _____________________________

d) It wasn't difficult for him to have access to a gun.
R/W : _____________________________

lundi 25 juin 2012

Gun culture in the USA

!!!! This video is extremely satirical. The historical events are real but exaggerated through irony.

I. Tick the dates that you hear in the video :
1. □ 1655   □ 1715    □ 1755   □ 1775
2. □ 1826   □ 1836    □ 1846   □ 1946
3. □ 1751   □ 1851    □ 1871   □ 1971
4. □ 1935   □ 1955    □ 1965   □ 1975

II. Put the 14 events in the right chronological order :
A black woman refused to move to the back of a bus ; Killing the British ; Slave trade ; The KKK was declared an illegal terrorist organization ; Pilgrims went to the New World ; Black people began demanding their rights ; Samuel Colt made fire arms popular ; Native Americans were massacred ; The Second Amendment was passed ; The North won the Civil war and the slaves became free ; The Witch Hunt ; The KKK was formed ; The slaves started rebelling ; The NRA was founded

III. Associate the dates (I.) with the corresponding historical events (II.) :


IV. Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with elements from the video :

1. The Pilgrims went to the New World because they wanted to be protected.
R/W : ___________________________________

2. They considered the Indians as civilized people.
R/W : ___________________________________

3. Some settlers (= colons) thought other settlers were possessed by Satan.
R/W : ___________________________________

4. The Second Amendment forbids people to carry guns.
R/W : ___________________________________

5. White people had slaves because they were lazy.
R/W : ___________________________________

6. There were more White people than Black people in the South of the country.
R/W : ___________________________________

7. A law prevented Black people from having guns.
R/W : ___________________________________

8. The National Rifle Association is against guns.
R/W : ___________________________________

9. The Ku Klux Klan is a terrorist organization.
R/W : ___________________________________

10. White people left for racially diverse neighborhoods.
R/W : ___________________________________

dimanche 17 juin 2012

Jake and Elwood

I. General comprehension:

1) Where / in what type of vehicle does the scene take place?
2) What is the relationship between the two men?

II. Detailed comprehension:

1) Complete:

 Jake: What's _____?
Elwood: ______?
Jake: This ______? This _________ _____? Where's the _________? The ________ ? Where's the _________?
Elwood: The ______?
Jake: The ________ we _______ to ______. The Blues_________.
Elwood: I _________ it.
Jake: You _______ the Blues________ for _____?
Elwood: _____. For a ___________.
Jake: A ____________? Okay, I can _____ that. What the ______ is this ?
Elwood: This was a __________. I ________ it ____ at the Mount Prospect City ________ auction last _______. It's an ____ Mount Prospect _________ _____. They were practically ________ them _______.
Jake: Well, ______ you, pal. The ______ I _____ out of _________, my own _______ ______ me ____ in a __________ _____.
Elwood: You _____ _____ it?
Jake: ____. I ______ _____ it.

2) Right or Wrong? Justify with elements from the script.

a) Jake likes the vehicle.
R/W: _____________________________

b) Jake and Elwood have never had a different car.
R/W: _____________________________

c) The vehicle was expensive.
 R/W: _____________________________

3) Why is today special for Jake?

4) What does he blame Elwood  for?

5) What is the effect? □ absurdity   □ humour   □ suspense   □ irony

samedi 16 juin 2012

The Mother Road

A. General comprehension:
1. Nature of the document: __________________________
2. Number of speakers and their accent (American? British?): ___________________
3. Give the real name of the Mother Road: __________________________

B. Part One
1.Tick the passages you hear:
a) It is the first cross-country highway   away
b) making your road   own itinerary
c) do it when you wanna do it   when you gonna do it
d) The Mother Road really offers  a lot of veracity    a lot of variety

2. Tick the correct answer and justify:
The Mother Road offers freedom   □ indecision ; Justification: _________________

C. Part Two
1. Name the geographical elements mentioned by the speaker.
Town: _____________________ Lake: _____________________
It is where the Mother Road starts  goes through ends

2. Lou Mitchell's is:
a) a wonderful dinner   diner
b) the best breakfast you're gonna have   you've ever had

3. Pick out names or titles concerning these elements:
a) Singer: ____________________ b) Prison: ____________________
c) Film: ____________________ d) TV series: ____________________

D. Part Three
1.  The Mother Road goes through numerous states. Make a list of all these states:

2. Name one city and explain its importance.
________________________. It is where the road _______.

3. The road is a ________ of American ____________.

4. Tick what you hear, then complete.
Steinbeck    Steinway  grapes   rapes   □ wrap   □ wrath
________________, an American author, wrote a novel entitled _______________________. This novel deals with _____________ coming from the mid-_______ on their way to _______________ in search of a better _______.

5. For the United States, this road is one of the ______ _________.