PART ONE : complete
with elements from the document and tick the correct answer.
1) Name one large city close to (= à
côté de) Ellis Island : ______________
2) Ellis Island is □
small □ big in size.
3) It plays a □
small □ big role in
4) People wanted to go to America in
order to (= dans le but de) ________________.
5) Ellis Island was the largest
immigration □ bastion □
station □ action.
6) Number of people who arrived
here between 1892 and 1924 : ________________
7) Number of people who can
trace one of their ancestors to Ellis Island :
Right or Wrong ? Circle
the correct answer and justify
with keywords.
8) The passengers were rich,
first-class passengers.
R/W :
9) The voyage lasted (= durait)
several days.
R/W :
10) The passengers were dreamers.
R/W :
11) Most (= la
plupart des) immigrants were forbidden to work.
R/W :
12) Ellis Island is a complicated
R/W :
14) The hospital is located on island
number 1.
R/W :
15) The immigrants had to go to the
hospital because they were homeless (= sans abri).
R/W :
15) 3,500 corresponds to the
number of people who ___________________
16) 355 corresponds to the
number of people who _____________________
Right or Wrong ? Circle
the correct answer and justify
with keywords.
17) Ellis Island closed in 1945.
R/W :
18) Ellis Island reopened 22 years ago.
R/W :
19) Ellis Island has become an art
R/W :
20) There are 12 million visitors each
R/W :
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