mercredi 11 juillet 2012

Why Farah came to the USA

I. General comprehension :

1. Farah's family originally comes from _______________

2. Farah has □ 1 brother and no sister   □ 1 sister and no brother   □ 1 brother and one sister

3. Match each date / period of time with the correct event to retrace Farah's story

1940's - 1950's
  • Visit to her country of origin
1950's - 1960's
  • Birth and childhood in her country of origin
  • Residence in the USA
  • Duration of her stay in her country of origin
  • Revolution and exile
4 years
  • Pre-adult years in the USA
1982 - present
  • Return to her country of origin

II. Detailed comprehension :

1. Name one state of the USA : ________________ ; it corresponds to where the family _________

2. Complete :
"I'd sort of felt an __________ and ________ for a ________ of ____________. My _______, on the other _________, felt _____________ at _________ when he ________ here. He has always __________ great _______ in _______ an __________-_________."

3. Right or Wrong? Circle the correct answer and justify with an element from the document.

a) It was rewarding (= enrichissant) for Farah to visit her country of origin.
R/W : _______________________________________

b) Farah left her country of origin for economic reasons.
R/W : _______________________________________

c) Farah preters the American political system to the one in her country of origin.
R/W : _______________________________________

d) She has become more and more comfortable living in the USA.
R/W : _______________________________________

e) Her mother was ashamed of living in the USA.
R/W : _______________________________________

4. Complete:
"She __________ this ________ in us as well, but I always _________ somewhat ________ from my ________. I ________ for a _______ that _________ more like _________. I ___________ that _________ and ___________ to _______ on the _____ of the __________.

5. Farah's conclusion: There is a _______ of her that will always ________ in _________, whether in the _______ or in ________.

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