lundi 16 juillet 2012

An Introduction to Frankenstein

I. General comprehnsion :

Name of the author?

Date ?

Other name of the novel ?

Subject ? What is the story about (symbolically and concretely) ?

II. Detailed comprehension :

1. Right or Wrong ? Justify by quoting elements from the document :

a) Frankenstein is the name of the monster.
R/W : ______________________________

b) When the novel was published, scientists were creating new techniques.
R/W : ______________________________

c) The novel was scary.
R/W : ______________________________

2. Complete :
The novel "was ________________ to the way __________ related to _______ and to ________________ and to what was _________ and what was not _________. People were ____________ that we were tinkering with ___________ in a way that was more _______ than _________."

3. Find information about the novel:

Myth which was an inspiration for the novel ?

Subject of that myth ?

Difference between the myth and the novel ?

Technique used to create the monster ?

4. Complete Rebekah's interpretation of the novel:
"In Frankenstein, I think ________ _________ was making a ________ ____________ on _______________ getting _______ of us, that as we _________ these new ___________, we __________ be ___________ God, we __________ be _________ of __________ as _________."

5. Conclusion:
When the novel was published, people feared ________ might ________ an old _______ of ______.

mercredi 11 juillet 2012

This is Ellis Island

PART ONE : complete with elements from the document and tick the correct answer.

1) Name one large city close to (= à côté de) Ellis Island : ______________
2) Ellis Island is small   big in size.
3) It plays a small   big role in history.
4) People wanted to go to America in order to (= dans le but de) ________________.
5) Ellis Island was the largest immigration □ bastion   □ station   □ action.
6) Number of people who arrived here between 1892 and 1924 : ________________
7) Number of people who can trace one of their ancestors to Ellis Island : ___________

PART TWO : Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with keywords.
8) The passengers were rich, first-class passengers.
R/W : ___________________________________________

9) The voyage lasted (= durait) several days.
R/W : ___________________________________________

10) The passengers were dreamers.
R/W : ___________________________________________

11) Most (= la plupart des) immigrants were forbidden to work.
R/W : ___________________________________________

12) Ellis Island is a complicated island.
R/W : ___________________________________________

14) The hospital is located on island number 1.
R/W : ___________________________________________

15) The immigrants had to go to the hospital because they were homeless (= sans abri).
R/W : ___________________________________________

15) 3,500 corresponds to the number of people who ___________________
16) 355 corresponds to the number of people who _____________________

PART THREE : Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with keywords.
17) Ellis Island closed in 1945.
R/W : ___________________________________________

18) Ellis Island reopened 22 years ago.
R/W : ___________________________________________

19) Ellis Island has become an art gallery.
R/W : ___________________________________________

20) There are 12 million visitors each year.
R/W : ___________________________________________

Immigrants hope their American Dream is not fading

I. Introduction : complete the journalist's words.
"___________ of ____________ have _________ to this __________ in __________ of their ____ American _________. It's ________ ___________ but _______ ________. It's even _________ when the entire __________ is __________ through _______ time, so here are _________ of ___________ in their _____ words."

II. Martin: complete this grid with information about him (not always in the right order)

Country of origin ?

Reason for emigrating ?

Differences USA / country of origin ?

Studies ?

Feelings at first ?

Problem now ?

III. Nick : complete this grid with information about him (not always in the right order)

Country and city of origin ?

How long in the USA ?

Job ?

Studies : where ? what?

Problem in country of origin ? Reasons for emigrating?

Feelings at first? Why ?

Family ?

Occupation for 4 years ?

Problem ?

Reaction and feelings ?

Present business ?

His definition of the American Dream ?

Why Farah came to the USA

I. General comprehension :

1. Farah's family originally comes from _______________

2. Farah has □ 1 brother and no sister   □ 1 sister and no brother   □ 1 brother and one sister

3. Match each date / period of time with the correct event to retrace Farah's story

1940's - 1950's
  • Visit to her country of origin
1950's - 1960's
  • Birth and childhood in her country of origin
  • Residence in the USA
  • Duration of her stay in her country of origin
  • Revolution and exile
4 years
  • Pre-adult years in the USA
1982 - present
  • Return to her country of origin

II. Detailed comprehension :

1. Name one state of the USA : ________________ ; it corresponds to where the family _________

2. Complete :
"I'd sort of felt an __________ and ________ for a ________ of ____________. My _______, on the other _________, felt _____________ at _________ when he ________ here. He has always __________ great _______ in _______ an __________-_________."

3. Right or Wrong? Circle the correct answer and justify with an element from the document.

a) It was rewarding (= enrichissant) for Farah to visit her country of origin.
R/W : _______________________________________

b) Farah left her country of origin for economic reasons.
R/W : _______________________________________

c) Farah preters the American political system to the one in her country of origin.
R/W : _______________________________________

d) She has become more and more comfortable living in the USA.
R/W : _______________________________________

e) Her mother was ashamed of living in the USA.
R/W : _______________________________________

4. Complete:
"She __________ this ________ in us as well, but I always _________ somewhat ________ from my ________. I ________ for a _______ that _________ more like _________. I ___________ that _________ and ___________ to _______ on the _____ of the __________.

5. Farah's conclusion: There is a _______ of her that will always ________ in _________, whether in the _______ or in ________.

mardi 10 juillet 2012

Why Fang Yi came to America

I. General comprehension : pick out information about Fang Yi

Country of origin

Reason for emigrating

Occupation / job

Place of residence


II. Detailed comprehension :

1. Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with an element from the document.

a) Fang Yi is daring (= audacieuse).
R/W : _______________________________________

b) She is successful professionally.
R/W : _______________________________________

c) She came to the USA for different reasons.
R/W : _______________________________________

d) She is easily adapting to life in the USA.
R/W : _______________________________________

2. Complete :
"Happy and ______, I _________ with __________ every____. _______ and _______ will ______ be in one __________, no _________ where I ________ to _________. I _____ never _______ ____________."

3. Tick the correct answer and justify with an element from the document:

a) For Fang Yi, emigrating was □ a choice   □ an obligation
Justification: ________________________________

b) The journalist asks if dancing professionally in Taiwan is □ a reality    □ a possibility
Justification: ________________________________

c) The journalists asks if Fang Yi □ ignores   □ expresses her emotions throughout dance.
Justification: ________________________________

4. What does Yang wish for? She wishes for ______ and ______ to ______ in one _________.

5. She encourages people to _________ their _______ and their __________. They shouldn't _____ up too ________.