dimanche 13 mai 2012

A real hero?

I. Introduction :
  • Type of document : □ interview   □ news report   □ debate
  • It deals with a man who □ is a hero in real life   □ pretends to be a superhero
  • Nickname (= surnom) of this man : _____________
  • Real name of this man : _________________
  • His mission is to _______ a bit of ______ to those who ______ it the _______.

II. Details about the man :
1. Name one object this man distributes in the street : ___________

2. He gives these objects to people □ who build homes   □ who have no home.

3. Pick out elements to describe his equipement :
  • on his face : ________________
  • in his bag : ________________________

4. Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with keywords :
  • All of the items the man gives to people are donated.
    R/W : _______________________________
  • For him, charity is necessary.
    R/W : _______________________________
  • He grew up in New York.
    R/W : _______________________________
  • He is Jewish (= juif).
    R/W : _______________________________
  • For him, if you don't look like other people, it's not a problem.
    R/W : _______________________________

5. Information about the man :
  • age range (= tranche d'âge) : ___________
  • neighborhood (= quartier) where he lives : _______________
  • occupation : co-_________ of Superheroes ____________
  • his association takes __________ into their _______ _________.

III. Actions :
1. Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with keywords :
  • The man presented in the document works alone.
    R/W : _______________________________
  • He fights aggressions in the streets.
    R/W : _______________________________
  • His actions are perfectly safe.
    R/W : _______________________________
  • His actions have no impact.
    R/W : _______________________________

2. Complete the man's hopes for the future :
"I would ________ it if everybody _______ some sort of _______ of the ____-______ superheroes or _______ something __________ that __________ them that they ______ the ________ to do __________ and then ________ out and ______ some ________ work in the __________.

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