dimanche 29 avril 2012

Another Angle

A. Jason Roberts :
1. Information about Jason Roberts :
  • country of origin : ______________________
  • city : ____________________
  • age : ___________
2. Tick the passages you hear :
  • □ I work in an environment     □ I work for the environment
  • □ it's bad money     □ which is about money
  • □ numbers in streets     □ numbers and screens
3. Use your answers in question 2. to guess Jason's job (1 possible answer) :
□ He works for the environment
□ He works in the financial world
□ He works for television
□ He organizes holidays for other people.

4. Tick the passages you hear :
  • □ I've had experience of...    □ I don't have any experience of...
  • □ helping    □ hoping
  • □ bored     □ boring
  • □ valuable   □ invaluable

5. Use your answers in question 4. to guess what Jason has decided to do during his holiday (two answers):
He has decided  □ to spend it on the beach    □ to do something different      □ to help other people
B. R.M.S. Liberhan :
1. The man's accent shows that he is  □ British    □ American   □ Indian   □ French

2. Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with keywords :
  • People who work in this center have a lot of frustration.
    R/W : _______________________________

  • They study languages only (= seulement).
    R/W : _______________________________

  • This center enables them to have better self-esteem.
    R/W : _______________________________

  • It enables them to broaden their culture.
    R/W : _______________________________

  • It enables them to meet people who have the same origin as them.
    R/W : _______________________________

C. Jason Roberts (reprise) :

1. Tick the correct answer :
We've had presentations (= exposés) on the history of □ India   □ Hindi
We've had □ India   □ Hindi lessons.

2. Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with keywords :
  • Jason hasn't made new friends.
    R/W : _______________________________

  • Jason doesn't encourage people to join this project.
    R/W : _______________________________

  • This project teaches you new things.
    R/W : _______________________________

  • It enables you to break your normal routine.
    R/W : _______________________________

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