vendredi 31 août 2012


If you would like to submit your summary for any of the documents on this site to check your comprehension, please send your productions to Detailed summaries and references are also available upon request if you would like to dig deeper into the themes.

lundi 13 août 2012

Australia and the traumas of the past

I. General comprehension :

1. Type of document: □ interview   □ speech   □ report   □ debate

2. Tick the correct answer and justify with an element from the document :

a) The main speaker is : 
□ a regular citizen 
□ a secretary (= ministre) in the government 
□ the leader of the government
Justification :

He addresses : 
□ some Australian citizens 
□ every Australian citizen
Justification :

3. This document deals with a certain historical phenomenon. Name that phenomenon and say when it ended.

4. Concentrate on numbers and dates :
  • 10 to 30 corresponds to the percentages of ___________ who were forcibly ________ from their __________ and ___________ between 19__ and 19__
  • 50,000 corresponds to the number of ___________ who were forcibly ________ from their __________
  • 1932 is the year when _____________ was _______ years old.

II. Detailed comprehension :

1. At the beginning, pick out expressions to explain the speaker's intentions, and rephrase.

2. A woman is mentioned. Pick out information about her :

Community ?

Approximate age ?

Name ?

Details about her childhood environment ?

Details about her feelings when she was a child ?

1932 : problem ? feelings ? consequences ?

3. Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with keywords :

a) The historical phenomenon described in this document constitutes a crime against humanity.
R/W : ______________________________________________

b) The victims of this phenomenon aren't equal to the rest of the population.
R/W : ______________________________________________

c) This phenomenon was legal
R/W : ______________________________________________

d) The speaker wants to unite the population.
R/W : ______________________________________________

e) He doesn't consider himself or the Australian government responsible.
R/W : ______________________________________________

f) He fosters (= encourage) equality and appreciation between communities.
R/W : ______________________________________________

dimanche 12 août 2012


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dimanche 5 août 2012

The destiny of Aboriginal children

I. First part :

1) Identify and complete an expression which is repeated 3 times :
This document deals with "the _________________ of Aboriginal _____________ from their _________________".

2) Say when this phenomenon began and when it ended.

3) This phenomenon is called : the ________ _____________.

4) Pick out two expressions to prove that this phenomenon had consequences on the Aboriginal families.

II. Second part :

1) Consequences on the Aboriginal people :

Consequences on the children
Consequences on the family of the child

2) Pick out expressions to describe the children's feelings.

3) As adults, these individuals had problems. Pick out expressions to describe these problems.

Through the eyes of an Aboriginal child

READ BEFORE LISTENING : the narrator is an Aboriginal child.

Fella = man.

I. First part :

1) What is the relationship between the child (narrator) and King George?

2) King George teaches the narrator a lot of things. Make a list :

3) The child and King George are very intimate with nature. Pick out elements to prove it :

4) The child's origins : he is not _______ fella, he is not _______ fella either. He has _______ blood, he is _______-________, "_________".

5) The "white" fellas :

Their occupation ?

King George's opinion on them ?

II. Second part :

1) "Coppers" are : □ farmers    □ policemen   □ military men

The child fears the “coppers” might ______ him ______, _____ him on a _________ island and ________ him into a _______ fella.

2) Right or Wrong? Justify with elements from the document :

a) The woman that the child sees was born in Australia.
R/W: _______________________________________

b) Australia is the only name for this territory.
R/W: _______________________________________

c) The name “Australia” was invented by the Aborigines.
R/W: _______________________________________

III. Recapitulate :

1) What have you learnt about the Aboriginal culture in Australia?

2) The narrator uses the terms “black” and “white”: who were the “blacks”, who were the “whites”? What type of relationship did they have?

3) What did the whites do to Aboriginal children in the past?

The Puritans

I. Definitions :

1) Today, a "Puritan" is
  • someone who is very _________, very ______________ and ___________ ___________.
  • someone who has extremely __________ ________ ________.

2) Puritans first appeared in the _____ and _____ centuries. They were _________ ____________.

II. Characteristics :

1) In England :

Opinion on religion and culture ?

Actions / impact of their actions ?

Decision ?

2) In North America :

Attitude ?

Obligations ?

Interdictions ?

Impact of the Puritans today ?