jeudi 7 juin 2012

An anonymous hero


A. The scene took place...
1. □ in Charleston   □ in Arlington   □ in Washington D.C   □ in New York City
2. □ a week ago   □ last week   □ this week   □ two weeks ago

B. At the same time, politicians were debating about...
□ violent crime   □ local elections   □ legal immigrants   □ illegal immigrants

C. Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with an element from the recording.

1. On Thursday, the weather was sunny.
R/W : _____________________________

2. In the streets, people in their cars couldn't move.
R/W : _____________________________

3. No one was in danger.
R/W : _____________________________

4. A woman almost died.
R/W : _____________________________


D. What is the passerby's probable origin? ____________________

E. His actions (tick the correct answers):
□ He made a video with his cellphone and sent it out over Youtube.
□ He just called 911 to say, "There's a woman drowning. You ought to get over here."
He stripped off his clothes and dove (= plongea) into the water.
He brought Bernice Clark out of the car and saved her life.


F. What did the passerby do after that? Fill in the blanks with words from the recording (one blank = one word).
And then, the man went ________________. He didn't stay around to receive ________________, or join Bernice Clark and her great-grandson for some hot ________________, and receive their tearful ________________ for saving their ________________.

G. Right or Wrong ? Circle the correct answer and justify with an element from the recording.

1. The passerby left the scene immediately.
R/W : _____________________________

2. Maybe he was a legal immigrant.
R/W : _____________________________

3. Maybe he came from Central or South America.
R/W : _____________________________

4. He feared the police might have demanded his papers.
R/W : _____________________________


H. The reporter's conclusion. Fill in the blanks with words from the recording (one blank = one word).
When he saw someone in _____________________ and _____________________, he _____________________ his life to _____________________ them. He was a _____________________. He was a _____________________ citizen.

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